Desperdiçar menos: o método seguido em Hong Kong

Nas raras vezes que visitei a zona de refeições do Jumbo, deparei-me com o triste espectáculo dos pratos cheios de restos comida. Bifes inteiros deitados ao lixo. Fere-me a vista, custa-me a engolir esta negra realidade do desperdício capitalista de inspiração Ocidental, onde mesmo os menos pobres/ricos se dão ao luxo de estragar tanta comida.
Fiquei espantado quando li a notícia abaixo transcrita, que sumariamente refere as estratégias seguidas em Hong Kong de combate ao desperdício. Quem não come o sushi (e eu adoro sushi) que lhe põem no prato, paga mais...! Solução radical impensável por cá, mas com resultados.

Ler a notícia aqui
Many diners have more food on the plate than they can eat. The Green Student Council, a local environmental group, surveyed one thousand people outside Hong Kong restaurants last year to find out whether food was being wasted. Angus Ho is a member of the group.
"We find that only 13 percent of them can finish everything in their lunch and we find that about 87 percent of them always left some food behind," Ho says. "So we also find that 44 percent of these respondents say that they often left over 30 percent or more."
The green group urges restaurants to offer portions in different sizes, and calls on diners to only order food they are sure they will eat.
At buffets and all-you-can-eat sushi or hot pot restaurants, patrons can be tempted to pile too much on their plates. About 30 restaurants in Hong Kong are using fines to stop that from happening.
A waitress at the Ming General sushi restaurant in the city's Wanchai district explains her restaurant's policy, which could be summed up as "Eat up - or pay more."
"In order not to waste food, we charge $1.30 for each leftover sushi," she says.
She says the restaurant fines two customers on average every week. Some get angry, but most patrons think it is a good policy.
"I think it's a good idea because it will save more food, save more resources," one customer says.


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