Temperaturas elevadas

Um pouco por todo o mundo registam-se temperaturas muito elevadas.
Na Rússia os termómetros estão 20º C acima do que é normal.
O mês de Julho foi em Portugal um dos mais quentes desde que há registos.
Para alguns é o ....sol !
Incrível também é o facto dos extremos negativos, e baixos, se .....extremarem. Na Guiné bateu-se um record: temperatura mais baixa de sempre registada, 1,4 ºC. As consequências da vaga de frio sentida no país da África equatorial foram terríveis: perda de animais e colheitas. Quem tinha pouco com nada ficou.

O artigo aqui

The global research, collated by meteorologists at weather information provider Weather Underground, supports US government data collated on 11 different indicators – from air and sea temperatures to melting ice – which showed temperatures rising around the world since the 1850s. This June was also the hottest ever on record and 2010 is on course to be the warmest year since records began, according to separate data from the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration published last month.

Only one country has set a record for its coldest-ever temperature in 2010. Guinea, in west Africa, recorded 1.4C (34.5F) in a nine-day cold snap at Mali-ville in the Labe region in January. Farmers lost most of their crops and animals.

Record temperatures in 2010

Belarus, 7 August, 38.9C (102F) at Gomel

Ukraine, 1 August, 41.3C (106.3F), Lukhansk, Voznesensk

Cyprus, 1 August, 46.6C (115.9F), Lefconica

Finland, 29 July, 37.2C (99F), Joensuu

Qatar, 14 July, 50.4C (122.7F), Doha airport

Russia, 11 July, 44.0C (111.2F), Yashkul

Sudan, 25 June, 49.6C (121.3F), Dongola

Niger, 22 June, 47.1C (116.8F), Bilma

Saudi Arabia, 22 June, 52.0C (125.6F), Jeddah

Chad, 22 June, 47.6C (117.7F), Faya

Kuwait, 15 June, 52.6C (126.7F), Abdaly

Iraq, 14 June, 52.0C (125.6F), Basra

Pakistan, 26 May, 53.5C (128.3F), Mohenjo-daro

Burma, 12 May, 47C (116.6F), Myinmu

Ascension Island, 25 March, 34.9C (94.8F), Georgetown

Solomon Islands, 1 February, 36.1C (97F), Lata Nendo

Colombia, 24 January, 42.3C (108F), Puerto Salgar


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