Sea facts and figures «

Menos peixe, mais indústria (navios-fábrica; mais filetes; mais congelados...) e ...menos pescadores !
A vida do mar é muito dura....há aqui uma contradição, queremos mais pescadores ? ou operários de navios fábrica que por acaso estão no mar ?

Os factos são assustadores:
Entre 1900 e 2000 a biomassa de peixes predadores diminuiu 80% no Atlântico Norte
93% do bacalhau pescado no Mar do Norte no momento da captura ainda não atingiu a maturidade sexual


* According to scientific studies the biomass of predatory fish in the North Atlantic has declined by over 80 percent between 1900 and 2000. (Source: Dr Villy Christensen, University of British Colombia, Canada)

* The North Sea has been one of the richest fishing grounds in the world: in 1995 it produced five per cent of total world fish landings. Since then, catches have fallen from 3.5 million tonnes a year to less than 1.5 million tonnes in 2007. (Source: European Commission, Factsheets on the CFP. 2008)

* 93 percent of cod fished in the North Sea are fished before they reached the age of sexual maturity. A cod can become forty years or more if it has the chance to live. (Source: European Commission, Green Paper on the Reform of the Common Fisheries Policy. 2009)

Sea facts and figures «


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