Acidificação dos Oceanos - Ocean acidification is latest manifestation of global warming | Environment | The Observer
Os noticiários em Portugal não abrem com problemas ambientais sérios. Contudo, a acidificação progressiva dos Oceanos deve fazer-nos pensar. Como será a nossa vida se o mar deixar de nos dar peixe ? Que implicações tem um aumento da acidez em 30% num século ? Ocean acidification is latest manifestation of global warming | Environment | The Observer Ocean acidification is latest manifestation of global warming Carbon dioxide pollution adds to threat to world's oceans and marine species Robin McKie Robin McKie, science editor The Observer, Sunday 29 May 2011 larger | smaller Young teenage woman diver explorin coral reef By the middle of the century there will probably be only a few pockets of coral left, in the North Sea and the Pacific. Millions of species of marine life will be wiped out. Photograph: Vladimir Levantovsky/Alamy The infernal origins of Vulcano Island are easy to pinpoint. Step off the hydrofoil from Sicily and the rotten-egg smell of hydrogen ...